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fill me up, Lord {a few ideas to help}

As I read through the comments yesterday, I was so thankful that the Lord is nudging some of you to allow HIM to fill you up each day. It’s a battle out there in this world of constant communication and busyness. How easy it is to settle for what is good instead of pursuing what is BEST! So, do you want to be in the Word daily but have a hard time knowing where to start? Me too. I wanted to share a few things today that have been helpful to me.

A Place of Quiet Rest was a great guide when I was struggling to have a consistent quiet time. It tackles a lot of common struggles women have when trying to establish a quiet time. I still refer back to it all the time when I feel myself pushing my quiet time down on my list of priorities. I wish that never happened…but I still struggle! This book was what encouraged me to participate in the 30-Day Challenge a few summers ago. I just listened to Nancy Leigh DeMoss speak on Daily Devotions: Duty or Delight. It was so good. And I loved how she took us to the life of Christ to show us what we need to “fill us up” when life gets busy. You need to listen to it…and it covers some of the same ideas from the book if you are not a reader!

I love having some sort of devotional book to help get my mind focused when I start my time in the Word. The One Year Book of Hope, Abundant Life Day Book, and Streams in the Desert are a few of my favorites. I know there are so many great devotionals out there but once I find one I love I tend to read it over and over each year. I’m reading Abundant Life Day Book for the first time this year and it has been really challenging.

I’ve learned over the past few years how important it is to not solely rely on devotional books like the ones above but to be digging into the Word for myself, allowing God to speak directly to me. I need to be reading the Bible and hiding His words in my heart. The Bible is God’s very words to me…He speaks to me!

I don’t know about you, but sometimes it’s hard to know where to start when studying the Bible. I love when I find Bible studies that plunge me into studying books of the Bible but give a little direction along the way. I loved doing the first study on Genesis from Nancy Guthrie’s series, Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament. This would be an awesome series to do on your own or with a few friends. And if your Bible study group is looking for a new study make sure you check this one out!

It’s been awhile since I have done a Beth Moore Bible study but I have loved the ones I have done. I think she does a great job guiding you to dig into the Word for yourself as well.

And now this is where I will give a shameless plug for Bible Study Fellowship. 😉 Several people recommended that I give it a try after Cora died and I am so thankful I did. BSF has taught me how to look at God’s Word as a whole, study it, and apply what I am reading…and it’s great accountability! The studies have been amazing, the teaching is awesome, and I could go on and on all day about how wonderful their children’s program is. I would go just for that. Seriously. It is so fun to be studying the Bible alongside Levi and Griffin (they are learning the same thing I am at their age appropriate level) and talk to them about it throughout the week. They even give you a parent handout each week and those have taught me SO much! BSF starts NEXT WEEK!! We are studying Matthew this year and I can’t wait to get started. If you are not involved in a Bible study already, stop reading and go to the website right now and find a BSF class near you. Click on “Our Classes” and scroll down to the bottom where it says “Find a Class”. BSF is different than any other Bible study I have done. It takes a little getting used to but you will be so glad you gave it a try. I promise. (I am not connected to BSF in any way…I just LOVE it!)

Ok…now I’m going to stop talking and give you a turn. What are some ways you stay “filled up” and plugged into God’s Word? I am always looking for good ideas or a new devotional book and would love to hear what works for you!

disclaimer: amazon affiliate links used

  • Danielle - I’ve had the book, One Thousand Gifts on my kindle for a couple of years now, after a friend recommend I read it. I started it back then, but the first chapter was too rough for me to get through. But lately God’s been taking me on a journey of contentment–finding it in Him, that is. And I’ve heard a lot about this book again. So, I started it again, and I couldn’t love it more! I want to get the devotional to go through as I learn to live a life of thanksgiving. Ann Voskamp wrote it and here’s my latest underlining: “Thanksgiving is the evidence of our acceptance of whatever He gives. Thanksgiving is the manifestation of our Yes! to His grace.” YES!!!ReplyCancel

  • Amy - Thanks Jess. You have really stir my heart to study more. Are checking out some of these books. Have a strugle with things go on in my life.ReplyCancel

  • Alicia - This is just what I was needing! I have been feeling the need to have a regular devotional/quiet time time with The Lord, but I never know exactly where I should start. Thank you for giving mea lot of ideas!ReplyCancel

  • Brenda - As a BSF student and former leader, thanks for the plug! Still the best way to study God’s Word and see it come alive for itself!ReplyCancel

  • cinderellamommy - I signed up for the daily online devotional (totally free) Girlfriends in God. It arrives each day in my inbox and daily gives me pause to be uplifted, thoughtful, and filled with God’s word. It has been a blessing to my spiritual growth. Here’s a link to today’s message if anyone else is interested:
    Blessings to all on your journey!ReplyCancel