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farm boys

Since Jake has arrived I feel like I can barely keep up with my boys. Don’t get my wrong, it is the best kind of busy I could dream up. I love it. Then spring came and life on the farm started getting busy too. Between farming and the boys, life is full. Really full. I am so tired some days but so is everyone else in the world, right?! Anyway, I thought it was time for a little farm update. Since I am obviously not keeping up with this blog either. And who doesn’t want to see pics of little boys with their daddy on the farm?


Back in March Joel brought the four wheeler over to our house one evening to spread grass seed around our yard. The boys had an excuse to ride the four wheeler and they thought spreading grass seed was awesome. They are trying to convince their daddy that we need a four wheeler to live permanently at our house. I am okay with that not happening for awhile. 😉


Jake talked his brothers into getting off for a minute so that he could have a turn too. Which translates to, he sat in the grass and cried because he was getting left out again. The tears worked. It was his first four wheeler ride. I love how he is looking at his daddy.

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Don’t worry they are going verrrrry slow.

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Jake smiles with his whole face. I think he liked his ride. 🙂

And a few more farm pics from Instagram…


feeding cattle – “driving” the four wheeler

hanging out in the feed mill – working cattle


baby corn plant – planting corn

working on the planter – digging for corn seeds


These were all from corn planting this past spring. The boys always love when the action starts back up on the farm in the spring.


And then we all look forward to the fun of wheat harvest in June. Except this year we all got the flu during harvest. The boys each managed to feel better for long enough to have a turn riding in the truck. But that was the extent of our harvest fun this year. Such a bummer. Thankfully Joel was the last one to get the flu, the last day of harvest. It’s about as bad when a farmer gets sick as when a mom gets sick. There is just no time for that. 😉

I am @jessmcclenahan on Instagram if you want to follow along!

  • Brady W. - We LOVE harvest! We aren’t fortunate enough to get to participate in it, but we have some land in the middle of a bunch of fields and my kiddos love to watch it! We just got a few 4-wheelers at our house and they are SO fun. Looks like your boys are living the ‘boy’ dream!ReplyCancel

  • andrea - love the new blog look!!ReplyCancel

  • Kathy - Your boys are precious and you take the most beautiful pics.ReplyCancel

  • Melanie Martini - Jess, I love your blog. Thank you so much for ‘bringing us along’ on your adventures and keeping us updated on your beautiful family. <3ReplyCancel

  • Mary Ann - I always look forward to your updates so yes I love seeing photos of your family. The farm photos are so interesting and amazing. I live where there are farms but they are not too close to the city. Our view is always of our big huge mountains in SLC Utah. Yup..Jake smiles with his whole entire face. Your boys are really beautiful and I can only imagine how tiring it is for you. My grandson is 5 and he wears me out and I only have to tend him or take him “fun” places (as he calls it) once in a while and there is only one of him!! By the way, I love the look and feel of your blog. Nice changes to the header.ReplyCancel

  • kimberly oyler - jess, i have been sooooo out of the blog loop lately, so i am just now seeing your new blog design. it. is. gorgeous.!!ReplyCancel

  • Laurie - Love your new look on the blog! I’m wondering how Griffin is doing with his seizure control. Still praying!ReplyCancel

  • Stefanie (@LexieLooDylan2) - Your boys are adorable!ReplyCancel

  • Sue - Farm life is so much fun! We’re bailing hay in Ohio….a favorite with our kids! Thanks for sharing a view of farm life with your family. Wonderful blessings!!ReplyCancel

  • Erica - Beautiful photos! Such a gift for your boys! I would love to hear what you do with them as far as albums/memory keeping for your family! I’m in the process of trying to decide what to do for my two little boys.ReplyCancel