The Macs » Blog

Never look ahead to the changes and challenges of this life in fear. Β Instead, as they arise look at them with the full assurance that God, whose you are, will deliver you out of them. Β Hasn’t He kept you safe up to now? So hold His loving hand tightly and He will lead you safely through all things. And when you cannot stand, He will carry you in His arms.

Do not look ahead to what may happen tomorrow. The same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering or He will give you His unwavering strength that you may bear it. Be at peace, then, and set aside all anxious thoughts and worries.

Francis de Sales

One year.
It is hard to believe my baby has been gone for that long.
On one hand it seems like it has been forever since I last got to hold her. I hate that feeling. But on another hand it seems like just yesterday we learned of her cancer and started fighting for her life. Either way, my heart aches today in a way that I can’t even describe to you.
It has been a year of sorrow. A year that I would have never chosen to walk through. A year that I could not have even begun to imagine. A year that I really didn’t think I could even live through. But in the deep darkness, the Lord gave us, and continues to give us, His unwavering strength to bear each day. And on those days when I didn’t think I could stand, He was always faithful to carry me. The same was true even today, a day I have been dreading for weeks.
So, here we are on Cora’s heavenly anniversary. Praising God that she is in His arms and that we can live in HOPE of seeing her again. But, at the same time missing Cora like crazy.
What do you do on a day like today?
Honestly, we don’t even know. Nothing seems quite right.

We decided to be low key today. Unfortunately Joel had to work part of the day, but the rest of the day we just spent together as a family. We gave our little Levi lots of extra hugs. He is such a blessing and was a wonderful distraction for us today.

Last night I made some yummy cupcakes cupcakes. This is becoming a trend for me. Cupcakes must make me feel a little better when I am sad. Sweets always make things better, right? I ate three today just in case.

I made lots of cupcakes. We decided that as we remembered our sweet Cora today, we wanted to take time to thank the many people who took such good care of her while she was sick. While we were in the hospital with Cora we met so many amazing people. During an incredibly horrific time in our lives, they made us feel so loved and taken care of. They loved Cora so well.
After Cora died we didn’t get a chance to tell them thank you. We thought today would be the perfect day to do just that.

I packaged up the cupcakes and attached beaded hearts with thank you tags. Joel and I took a few to Newton today. It was “something” we could do as we remembered Cora today. The rest were delivered to the hospital by a friend. We weren’t feeling up to walking back into the hospital today.Β 
We hung out around the house this afternoon. And we went out to eat this evening. That was our day. Nothing special. It may look different next year. But, as I write this we have almost made it through Cora’s first heavenly anniversary.Β 
Just like every other day this past year, we have felt so loved today. We can’t believe how many people remembered the significance of this day. We have had so many cards, e-mails, and phone calls from people just to remind us that we are loved and prayed for. You all have been such an encouragement to us today. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Thank you for continuing this journey with us. We are thankful for how far the Lord has brought us this year–a year we didn’t know if we could survive–and anticipating what He has in store for our family in the year to come!

  • Anonymous - Happy Birthday, Cora! I know your mommy and daddy must miss you something terrible, but I’m sure your sweet baby brother is giving them lots of sweet smiles and snuggles for you.

    What an incredible family! God bless!ReplyCancel


  • Momma H - You ARE loved and prayed for – by people you don’t even know, or know very little. Your journey has impacted so many lives, and I see you as a living example of the passage you started this blog with.
    We all thank God for you and for sweet Cora’s life, short though it was. Praise the Lord that she is with Him and you can look forward and not just back. Back is too painful and it is past. Forward – to heaven – when we finally get there – will be so beautiful and bright. Thank God for His hope and love to carry you through!ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - we’ve been praying for you all today (you and your families)…i wish i could say something that would lighten your hearts load so i will just pray that Jesus will be the lifter of you hearts and heads as you put your heads on your pillows tonight…-meghanReplyCancel


  • Launa - On our knees for you all tonight!ReplyCancel


  • Mindy M. Harris - my little wilder, 18 months had to be in the hospital to have a bone scan, and such a minor procedure completely crumbled my heart. the love of a parent towards his child is inconceivable, indescribable. i’m sure Jesus would speak the same of us.
    thank you for your words, for bringing truth to the pages of the internet. cora has much to be proud of.
    lots of love from your friend “once removed” ha!ReplyCancel


  • Rachel E. - What an incredibly selfless thing to do today. Praying for you and Joel tonight.ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - I can honestly say, there hasn’t been a day that has passed that you/Joel or Cora haven’t been thought about or prayed for by my family. My 23 month old daughter has a doll I’ve named Cora. She reminds me to pray for you and hold my daughter (and son) a little tighter. May God continue to be glorified through you and Joel.ReplyCancel


  • Megan - I’ve thought of and prayed for your family often over the course of the last year, and I will continue.ReplyCancel


  • Heather - Oh how my heart aches for you. I still remember that day when I sat down to read the latest update on Cora and my heart literally stopped and a short wail escaped my mouth. I just couldn’t believe it. My heart broke for you, it still does. And this coming from someone who has never met you or Cora. I can’t even begin to imagine being in your shoes. I continue to pray for you guys and I pray our Lord will wrap you in His arms and bath you in His everlasting love. Love and prayers to you and Joel <3
    Heather~ On the HomefrontReplyCancel


  • Kristi - I just want you to know that even though we have never met, I think about Cora and you all EVERYDAY! Your in my prayers. God bless your precious little Levi. πŸ™‚


  • Kristin - What a beautiful way to celebrate the life of your sweet girl. There IS something about cupcakes that makes me smile. May you continue to find strength in God and one another.ReplyCancel


  • mel @ the larson lingo - Thinking of you & Praying for you as you remember your sweet Cora. May God continue to show His love to you & your family.
    p.s. Love the cupcake idea, that is so thoughtful & kind of you.ReplyCancel


  • Sue - Well, as I sit here and type this message from so many miles away, it’s 8:49 on Tuesday morning on 9 February and Cora’s anniversary day will be over. I’m sure that as you wake up today to face this new day, you’ll feel lighter and brighter. Kids are such a blessing and Levi is one special little guy!!ReplyCancel


  • Kylie and crew. - Praying for you….what a sweet treasure you have stored up in heaven…although not the path you would have chosen, she is there and will be when you get to heaven. Thanks for continuing to share and be open. You both have a mighty call on your life (not because of your loss but because of your hearts).ReplyCancel


  • Stef - I prayed for you over and over again today. We celebrated my son’s 5th birthday on the 6th and as we sang Happy Birthday to him, my heart broke for you.

    Your joy and trust in the Lord is infectious and I am so thankful to know you via your blog πŸ™‚
    May this new year be one of much healing, peace and pressing on.ReplyCancel


  • Lara - I have been reading your blog for a little while. You inspire me. That short verse by Francis de Sales spoke to me. You encourage me with your strength. Thank you. I will never understand loosing a child, but I do know this, your family is amazing. Thank you for sharing Cora’s story. I am blessed knowing there are such good people out there who can turn to God in their most troubled times. May God Bless you in your heartache. I want you to know that I KNOW you will see Cora again…my faith has taught me that. Thank you again for sharing your faith.ReplyCancel


  • JJC - just wanted you to know that i still think about you almost every day even though we’ve never met. thank you so much for sharing cora with us and for being honest about your grief. it reminds me to have just a little more patience and to live a little more in the moment with my little one who is just 3 days older than your sweet cora.ReplyCancel


  • cara - I just read this and couldn’t not comment…and I’ll say a prayer for your lovely family tonight. What a hard day to go through, even knowing Cora is so happy, but just missing her so much…You all have touched me, and I do check in on your blog. You are so creative Jess!! I love creating things, mostly out of fabric (really, I like buying fabric πŸ™‚ ), and making things look pretty. Your pictures are wonderful, and the things you make do inspire me, thank you! Your baby boy is just precious, I am so glad you have him! I have 4 young kids, and for some reason, when I see pictures of your Cora, she reminds me of my youngest…Anyway…just know people are praying all over for you all…(I’m up here in Alaska..)ReplyCancel


  • dg darling - I cried today just as I did a year ago when Sweet Cora passed away. I had never met your family but oh how you changed my life! My own baby girl is close in age and as I’ve watched her grow over the past year I have thought of Cora, and prayed for you, often. I have held her tighter and enjoyed her more and thanked you in my heart for giving me perspective. Thank you for sharing your journey then, and now. May your healing continue and may you always know that Cora will NEVER be forgotten!ReplyCancel


  • Melody - Praying for you guys tonight. ((hugs))ReplyCancel


  • Carla - Oh Jess, I watched the blog so closely yesterday, willing an update as reassurance you were ok. Of course, how could you be ok but even though I don’t know you, it was awful thinking of how hard yesterday must have been for you. My little girl and I said a special goodnight to Cora last night after she was in my thoughts all day, as were you all. Your words reflect such strength and warmth and peace, so devoid of bitterness I can hardly comprehend it. Wishing you continued strength and the knowledge that there are so many of us out there carrying a tiny part of Cora in our hearts and loving her yesterday, today and every day xxx. PS, the cupcakes look wow, you are so gifted at making pretty things (and I’m including Cora and Levi in that :-))ReplyCancel


  • tifRn - Oh, you Macs. you are just the best family. you give me such hope and inspiration when i am lost or feeling like i am floundering. thank you so much for allowing us at wesley to share your story and to take part in your journey. cora was-is-a beautiful girl and i enjoyed taking care of her. i remember being in with you when she was diagnosed and leaving to get you tissues, and just crying in our utility room before i brought them in. i thought of you today when i saw those pink cupcakes, and i am putting the pink heart on my mirror in the my car to remind me to keep my own heart open and my eyes on God’s road for me. God bless you all.ReplyCancel


  • Mum2twopreciousgifts - Dear Jess

    You’ve made me cry. On a day of such significance for you and Joel, you’ve done something for others through your beautiful cupcakes. You are extraordinary.

    I feel Blessed to have ‘met’ your family through your blog. I feel Blessed to have prayed and continue to pray for you all during your journey. I feel Blessed to have cried happy tears for you when Levi arrived. I feel Blessed that you inspire me to be a better Mum when I’m running out of patience and I’m asking God why he chose to give us a child with disabilities. And you remind me to accept God’s plan, disabilities and all, and to smile, rejoice and be grateful for my Blessings.

    Thank you for sharing Cora. Her life has forever changed me – for the better.

    With a big hug from our little family in Australia.ReplyCancel


  • Princess Martha - What a wonderful idea to send cupcakes to the hospital. The way they were packaged up was lovely. You did well. I hope today went as well as it could have for you. I am sure Levi loved all the extra cuddles. xxReplyCancel


  • Sara - Samuel’s angel day is always hard for me. I think that you did a really nice thing by taking a “thank you” treat to the amazing doctors and nurses who cared for sweet Cora.
    Hold tight to Levi. His sweet face will help get you through the rough days.
    Take care!ReplyCancel


  • The Noble Steeds - Your strength and faith is so inspiring. Thank you for choosing to handle your grief the way you have. You have been such a great example of a true disciple of Christ.ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - Although you don’t know me, I too spent most of my day yesterday praying for you guys. It’s hard not to remember the date since it’s my cousins birthday too. Because of this it will be easy to remember Cora’s Heavenly Birthday in the years to come. I also had an idea I wanted to share with you that some dear friends of ours came up with. They lost their son 35 minutes after birth. Now every March 6th they have a “family day” in celebration of Zeke’s life. Jessica said it’s a day she looks forward to now in a special way.

    Love and Prayers from Olathe, KS!ReplyCancel


  • Mandi - You’ve been on my heart a lot during the weeks leading up to Cora’s heavenly anniversary. I’ve been praying for you and Joel and asking the Lord to continue giving you his unexplainable peace.

    We are about to lose our first child but in a different way. My husband and I are foster-to-adopt parents. Last Sunday (1/31) a newborn baby boy was placed in our arms and we were excited about the possibility of adopting another sweet baby boy. As the week went along we found out a relative has stepped forward and wants to parent our little guy. We’ve been told he will be leaving sometime in the next few days.

    Our hearts are broken and we don’t understand. Instead of being in the arms of Jesus I’ll know he’s in the arms of someone else that I don’t know…I won’t know if he’s being loved the way he deserves and this is hard. This is going to be another journey with a whole new test of my faith but I know God is good and faithful and will carry me through.ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - You and Joel continue to amaze me. Your love for others and the strength you’ve shown during this past year is tremendous. I think of Cora all the time and wish I could have met her although I feel like she is a part of my life because of your blog.
    Levi is a true blessing and God certainly had a plan!
    Sending many hugs and sweet thoughts your way from WI.ReplyCancel


  • Jennifer Gilbert Settle - Happy Birthday pretty girl!! I am not sure that I know any words to comfort your hurting heart other than that I will continue to pray for your family…that that you would feel wrapped tightly in His loving arms!!ReplyCancel


  • Toni :O) - I’m thankful to be part of your journey, I think of you all…but oh how I wish I could have eaten one of those yummy looking cupcakes…wow, those are some really lucky people to get to enjoy those. Here’s hoping every day that passes eases your pain a bit and fortunately you have sweet Levi to lift your spirits and squeeze tightly. Big hugs to you all and may continued love and prayers surround you.ReplyCancel


  • Brandi - I have been praying for you since found your blog. A year, wow! What a beautiful little angel you have!!! What a sweet gesture for you and Joel to do on Cora’s 1 year anniversary. The cupcakes look yummy!!!!!!! Praying for you!!ReplyCancel


  • Tammie - I have been praying for you too; Thank you for sharing your journey of faith, pain, tears, and hope. In Christ, TammieReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - Because of you, your honesty and deep faith, I have grown closer to Him. The verses and scriptures you have shared here really caused me to reflect on my on beliefs– and witnessing you and your family walk through this difficult year has made me a different person– a better person. Maybe a little bit of Cora lives inside all of us who know her only through her Mom’s pictures and words posted on a blog. You love her and honor her so very well— and I am so happy Levi has joined your family too.ReplyCancel


  • Julie - Remebering Cora…ALWAYS!ReplyCancel


  • hoosier68 - Thank you for sharing with us. Your unwavering faith and courage are amazing. I think of and pray for you and yours each day.ReplyCancel


  • Alli Unruh - You and Joel have been on my heart the past two days, and I’ve been praying for you.ReplyCancel


  • Heidi - I am sorry you have had to go through this. Your little girl was/is so blessed to have/had you both as parents. May here little soul be blessed.ReplyCancel


  • Susan - The angel day is such a hard day. Thank you for having the courage to write about it and to treat it the way you felt was right. We tend to ignore the angel day around here. I tell people I miss him just the same as the day before and the day after and I don’t feel like giving the day any weight. I felt pressure, the first year, to DO Something. I had seen other angel parents do balloons and other special activies while we just wnted to ignore it. Then I realized the day was about us and just like all the other grieving, we had to do what felt right to us.

    You made it through – good for you.ReplyCancel


  • purejoy - happy heavenly anniversary, i know it seems off to say “happy,” but happy is the hope we have in Jesus. cora you are missed by so many, and we cry tears of sadness and of joy. so thankful that your little brother is there to fill their empty arm, and he’s so blessed to have a big sister looking over him in heaven.

    sweet blessings to you, dear mac family.ReplyCancel


  • Ruthie - Praying for your whole family. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. You inspire me. You remind me of God’s goodness and presence even amidst trial and heartache.

    Ruthie – a blog reader from OhioReplyCancel


  • A - I was thinking of you on her heavenly anniversary (hug). I am so glad you got some great family time, and those cupcakes look BEAUTIFUL! Maybe you should add a cupcake division of Cora’s πŸ™‚

    I pray that you will feel God close in the coming days!!ReplyCancel


  • Melinda - I’ve never met your or Joel, but I can honestly say that you are in my thoughts and prayers every single day. As a mom I can’t imagine experiencing what you have, and my heart aches for you.

    What a wonderful way to celebrate little Cora. I’m sure Cora was quite tickled by the beautiful cupcakes that you made in her memory.

    Sending lots of love and prayers from Virginia.ReplyCancel


  • MCH PHOTOGRAPHY - Awh, my thoughts are with you & your family!! What journey you’ve been thruReplyCancel


  • The Drama Mama - It sounds like you guys had the perfect heavenly day! You guys are always in my thoughts and prayers! Sending lots of prayers, love & HUGS your way!ReplyCancel


  • JESSICA - Your words always bring a tear to my eye, but your hopefulness and positive outlook bring joy to my heart. Levi is blessed to have you as parents.
    Those cupcakes look DE!LICIOUS!! The people who received them must have been grinning from ear to ear. πŸ™‚ReplyCancel


  • meg duerksen - love love love.
    love you both.
    love cora.
    love levi.
    you are loved by me.
    and my family.

    the cupcakes with the hearts?! that is the best jess! seriously great idea. cupcakes DO bring joy…you are RIGHT!ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - What an awesome adorable way to spend your day. It only shows us all even more how amazing you are by spending such a difficult day thanking those that were there for Cora when she was sick. You are amazing. You are definitely loved and prayed for by MANY people. Now and forever. You are such an inspiration…Cora and Levi are two very lucky kids:)ReplyCancel


  • dawn - It sounds like you spent your day as best you could.

    Our four month old son Aidan went to be with the Lord almost 11 years ago, and so we’ve done this day you describe ten times now. In some ways it get’s easier and in some ways it doesn’t. It sometimes sneaks up on me and my somber mood the week approaching surprises me until I look at the calendar. it’s like my body knows. weird.

    We don’t do much special on Aidan’s heavenly anniversary except hold each other tighter. But on his birthday each year we honor him with a family night. We go out to dinner and do something special with our other two kids. Aidan’s birthday is our own holiday–a day to remember a special boy, a day to remember the way God has sustained us, and a day to celebrate our family.

    But I agree with you–nothing seems quite right. so glad you have Levi to hug on this day.ReplyCancel


  • Megan - I was thinking of you and praying for you yesterday – knowing that it would be especially hard.ReplyCancel


  • Andy and Cari - 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18
    According to the Lord’s own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage each other with these words.

    Did you catch the word TOGETHER?

    Peace, love and comfort to you today.


  • All Doll(ed) Up - Beautiful post, Jess. I am so thankful for the way you have let God carry you two and continue to let him be the source of your hope. It is so encouraging and challenging to SO many of us. We love you guys.ReplyCancel


  • Miranda - We have thought of you almost daily for the past year and have held you in our hearts every second. It’s understanding that you wouldn’t know how to celebrate this day, but you have chosen to do it in a wonderful way.
    Thinking of you and sending you hugs!ReplyCancel


  • Stephanie - I ahve read your story for about 9 months or so, and please know that I pray for your family every time. I am praying know that God will bless you, your husband and sweet baby boy beyond any imagination! You are so loved and happy anniversary to your precious daughter in Heaven!ReplyCancel


  • C&Gs Mommy - I have prayed for you over the past year and thought of you all day yesterday. I think you are such an amazing woman and an amazing family. You are an inspiration to me as a mother and as a person. You have no idea how your strength and faith has made me a better mom to my 2 daughters (age 2 and age 2 months) Thank you for sharing so deeply with us.
    Melissa from MDReplyCancel


  • Al's World - You are all an inspiration, and a testimony to God’s faithfulness. You are loved, and prayed for. Again, I am so glad you had precious Levi to hold and snuggle on a day like this. God bless you all!ReplyCancel


  • Emily - Your words encourage all of us to lean on Christ, for he is our rock and salvation. Your sweet Cora was such a beautiful child and I know she is in heaven swinging and playing with Jesus today. Thank you for sharing your story. You touch our lives beyond what you can imagine. And your little Levi is precious! With love from Arkansas!ReplyCancel


  • Angela - You and your family are an inspiration! You make me think twice about life and how important family is. Happy Heaven Day sweet little Cora!ReplyCancel


  • Robin in Benton - I was thinking of you and praying for you yesterday as you celebrated this anniversary of a day that was too painful to be imagined and at the same time joyous as we know that Cora is held safely in God’s hands and is watching over all of you from heaven until you get there to see her again. You continue to inspire and encourage others with your faith. God Bless You.ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - I can not get your family out of my thoughts and prayers. You may not feel like you are strong but you are incredibly strong. Our son was born very ill – for 6 months, doctors tested and tested for various cancers. While God continues to give us love and strength, I will never be the same again – and there was never any cancer! My son is now five and lives with a blood disorder – but he is VIBRANT & HEALTHY. I love how you place your focus on giving to others. You are reminding me to keep my focus on today and not in the past and to trust God’s plan. Take care of yourself, be kind to yourself, allow gentle grieving, and know you are an inspiration and a blessing to me. God bless you and your entire family.ReplyCancel


  • Miss Em - Extra prayers to you last night and extra kisses for my daughter in honor of Cora. You are loved. The cupcakes are such a wonderful idea. I am so glad that so many people contacted you to remember Cora. It does help even if they don’t know what to say.ReplyCancel


  • Ellen Grant - I have never commented before, but I started following your journey this day last year. I had a 2 year old daughter and I was pregnant with my second at the time. Your faith and walk through grief stuck a very deep chord in me. All I can say is, thank you for being so authentic and open and vulnerable. I have learned so much about grief, death and rebirth… how fragile life is and how our days are numbered and each is to be treasured. I miss Cora, too, and I have no connection with you at all, except through stumbling across your blog…All I have is a mother’s heart–that’s the only way I can relate at all. I am crying tears with you. (I hope it’s ok that I comment. I just wanted you to know that you are being thought of and prayed for in Nashville!)ReplyCancel


  • Molly - I am still so very sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine what it must feel like to lose such a precious gift. But your faith amazes and astounds me and also gives me hope for this life and the next.

    I hope you know that your story has touched so many. I thought of Cora the other day when I saw a newborn with the same name. I wondered to myself, does this baby know how special her name is? Probably not. But I will definitely never forget your story. I will never forget Cora and think of her often.ReplyCancel


  • leel - i thought of you both multiple times yesterday. a year, already? time flies and stands still at the same time once again for you, i imagine. thoughts and hugs to you.ReplyCancel


  • SGreen - In some ways I can’t believe it has already been a year. I think about your family often and I wanted to thank you for being such a wonderful example of living in God’s faith and love.ReplyCancel


  • Janine - I was thinking of your family all day yesterday. Your faith through all of this is inspiring. Cora’s life has touched so many people around the country and probably around the world. God Bless.ReplyCancel


  • The Carroll's - Wow! I saw the title of this post and can’t believe it has been a year since Cora went to be with Jesus either. It was just a few days earlier that I learned of your blog and started following your story. I still have her sweet picture on my fridge that I received with one of the items I ordered from Etsy. It’s a reminder to me to pray for your family and to praise God for each day I have with my kiddo’s. My daughter is only a few months younger than Cora would be and we just had our son less than a month before your welcomed sweet Levi so I feel very connected to the season of life you are in. Thank you for continuing to share your heart and story with us. My faith has grown because of yours. Continuing to pray.
    Love, The Carroll’s in Alpharetta, GeorgiaReplyCancel


  • Rachel - Praying for you all each day!ReplyCancel


  • Marla Taviano - Love you guys. Cora’s sweet story has touched my heart in a way I can’t explain. Praying for you!!ReplyCancel


  • Erica - i thought of you so much this week. saying a prayer of strength for you even today. i cannot believe it’s been a year, i remember sitting and crying (with you i’m sure) reading about cora. may God continue to pour his hope, peace, strength, & blessings over your family. you are loved by family, friends, & strangers.ReplyCancel


  • Townsend Crew - …when I didn’t even think I could stand…

    Jess, your words are so powerful!
    As is your faith.
    What an incredible woman you are -somehow standing today. God is so proud of his creation!

    Sending prayers from ChicagoReplyCancel


  • Melissa Joy - What words are there to express to you right now?
    I don’t know.
    But I am praying for you.
    Crying with you.
    Grieving with you.
    Praising with you.
    Clinging to the hope of Heaven with you.ReplyCancel


  • shepherdsgrace - It is beautiful that the Lord led you to thank those who cared for Cora…in your sorrow…you gave thanks…that is a beautiful gift…

    thank you for sharing your hearts with us and His sufficiency in your brokenness…

    when I grieve over an anniversary I don’t normally articulate it, I just sit in it…because I know it will pass….but the pain is still there…but with time, it seems to be decreasing…

    I had a miscarriage 2 years ago this week, and there are 2 little boys at church that are the age our baby would have been…

    I look at them and smile, knowing my Father does all things well…and I rest in that knowledge…ReplyCancel


  • The Perfect Trio - You are still very much so a part of my daily thoughts and prayers!!! For someone that I don’t even know you mean so much to me.



  • Anonymous - The Francis de Sales quote was exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you!ReplyCancel


  • Beki - TheRustedChain - Thinking of you. Loving you. Praying for you.

    Every single day.

    You may not know it, but you’re incredible.
    God bless you Jess.ReplyCancel


  • Abby Johns - I remember how I felt a year after my mother passed away from cancer. I felt like the pain would never subside, like I would feel that way for the rest of my life. I leaned so hard on God, I prayed for him to take the pain from my heart. The second year was a mixture of feelings from the first year and being able to go some stretches of time without feeling completely lost. I am happy to say that now, more than 4 years after her passing, I feel healed, I feel that I can look back on my time with her thankfully without completely breaking down.

    I pray for this healing for you and your family. I prayed for Cora when she was sick, I cried when she passed and I am thankful that you have continued to share your story because it is a reminder to live in the present with my little one.ReplyCancel


  • Yankee Mama - You have such a sweet heart. Praying still.

    Blessings to your little family.



  • Anonymous - You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. You are an incredible family and I look forward to your posts coming to the blog almost daily. Just wanted you to know I admire you so much and you are just an incredible mother. Your family is so lucky to have you and I am sure Cora is so honored to have you, Joel , and Levi as well.
    Summer & Family in CaliforniaReplyCancel


  • Anna - HUGS!!ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - I am so sorry for your loss. I am praying for you today and everyday. Today makes 4 years since I lost my daughter at 3 months old. You inspire me and helped me find my way back to the Lord. Thank you for sharing your story.ReplyCancel


  • Nan - You two are a picture of God’s grace… Thank you for your godly response (and that includes the raw emotions, admissions of anger and anguish and wrestling with God.). You are such a great example of Christian joy…. That joy is not a plastered on smile when hellish circumstances are upon us but it is simply in laying it all down at His feet and entrusting yourselves to His providence and care. Peace be yours this day…ReplyCancel


  • Brigid - Thinking of Cora and all of you today on her angel day. I continue to think and pray for you and your family everyday and read on as you travel this journey. I don’t know what it is about cupcakes, but we have done the same thing in memory of our little girl πŸ™‚ReplyCancel


  • Lindsay - You continue to inspire me with your faith. To watch you give so selflessly in thanks to others on a day that is unbelievably difficult for you leaves me in tears. Praying for you now and everyday.ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - Sending love and hugs your way and we are also remembering your sweet girl. Even though we’ve never met your family was heavy on my heart yesterday.
    God bless the Macs πŸ™‚


  • Christina Egner - What a sweet gesture & beautiful way to remember your sweet Cora today.

    Wouldn’t it be a great tribute to your little girl to add her new little brother to your blog banner?

    {just thinking out loud}

    Love & Blessings from Pooh’s Corner.ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - I’ve prayed for you so many times throughout this difficult year. I knew yesterday would be terribly hard for you and Joel. Your beautiful postings often glow with God’s love, grace and presence. Sweet Cora has touched so many lives…many who you’ll never meet here on earth.



  • Kristin Stegent - I can’t imagine how incredibly hard yesterday and the days leading up to it must have been. I ache for you guys. I cannot even stand the thought of the pain you must feel some days. You guys are precious! Cora is a beauty who will long be remembered, thought of and talked about. I wish so badly she was here with you, Joel and her baby brother though!ReplyCancel


  • HannahM - Thinking and praying for you, yesterday & celebrating Cora’s sweet life.ReplyCancel


  • The Schilling's from Cimarron - Hello…….. I didn’t blog on Monday for the fact that it was a very hard day for us too. Thinking back on the times together and the overwhelming emotions we shared together. We still think of you all the time and miss baby Cora, even though we didn’t get to share in the fun times of her life. Hope to meet Levi soon and just know we are still wishing you lots of love and happiness everyday! take care and we miss you lots!

    love you,



  • Juliann - praying for you today, as you begin a new year. praying for peace, comfort and covering (Psalm 91).

    Gurnee, ILReplyCancel


  • Kristen - What a beautiful passage at the beginning of your post, hopefully that kind of thinking has helped you a little bit during this time that I imagine must be about the hardest thing to go through. Your continued strength and thoughtfulness (the cupcakes!) are certainly inspiring.ReplyCancel


  • Amanda - We miss Cora TONS – and we always will.

    Love you guys lots!

    I could use one of those happy cupcakes right about now.ReplyCancel


  • Amy - Hoping you had a peaceful day yesterday. Those are hard days.ReplyCancel


  • Tricia - Your honesty and faith continue to inspire and encourage me.
    My heart aches for your pain today.
    What a lovely way to celebrate Cora and her very special doctors and nurses! The cupcakes were, I’m sure bittersweet to those kind folks, but what a beautiful way to show your love and appreciation.

    I am saying all the wrong things today, I’m afraid.

    Please just know that you all continue to be in my heart, and that Cora has touched the lives of every member of my family. Every one.

    With love and prayers,


  • Christine - You were on mind so much yesterday and we prayed for you as we do so often. Your sweet Cora and your family have impacted so many lives and brought such inspiration and stronger faith to so many. My daughter turned a year old on the day that Cora met Jesus last year. So yesterday as she turned two, I also thought of dear Cora in Heaven looking down at her new baby brother and loving parents. We continue to pray for you and your family although we have never met. Sending you lots of hugs and blessings!!ReplyCancel


  • Kelly - Sometimes I feel like I dont know what to say. What will be comforting to you? I just want you to know that I love your family, I love your strength and I love your faith in God. I dont think I ever knew you could really love someone without having ever met them before. You are so blessed and Cora is blessed to have you as her mommy.ReplyCancel


  • Marianna - What a sweet thing to do on Cora’s first heaven anniversary. When you wrote you baked cupcakes and I scrolled down, I thought “WOW, you did make lots of cupcakes!”. I have no doubt they brought joy to many people’s lives today.
    A nice way to show the love of Christ. Praying for an extra measure of peace today.
    Your blog writings are a blessing to me.ReplyCancel


  • mrstolli - I was thinking of you and praying for you just yesterday beacause I knew this day was coming soon. I’ve been praying for you for quite some time. I may never meet you and your dear family on this side of heaven, but I feel like I know you so well. I pray for you all the time and find myself shedding many tears for you. I can’t imagine what you’ve gone through, but I know that God has a plan even when we don’t understand. You are in my prayers!ReplyCancel


  • Courtney - HAPPY HEAVENLY BIRTHDAY CORA! My heart aches for you today I know all to well the pain. Praying for you always.


  • Patti - I had just started following your blog via a prayer request through another blog when Cora was diagnosed. I remember checking in on the blog, praying for healing and I saw the post that said she had gone to be with Jesus. I was at work and got up from my cubicle and went and SOBBED in the bathroom. Her story changed the way I appreciated my own 4 month old at the time. Thank you for keeping up your blog, it is inspirational. Cora was an amazing child.ReplyCancel


  • Kathy Hardison - May comfort be found in knowing that people are thinking of you today and I am praying that God will carry you through this day and the days ahead. I am sure Cora is in the arms of Jesus tonight being given a tight hug.ReplyCancel


  • THE ZELLERS - Knowing Cora through your blog has changed my life as a mother. Thank you for sharing your family with us– little Levi is such a DOLL! We are thinking of and praying for you today.


    Amy Zeller
    Wimberley, TXReplyCancel


  • 50 Chubby Toes - I’m at a loss for words ~ as tears are streaming down my face, my eyes are turned towards heaven, asking our Father to give you and your husband the comfort & love you need right now. Oh how I know He’ll answer. Blessings, EMichelleReplyCancel


  • k and c's mom - Oh, sweet family, I know this road has been a rough one for you…You all stay close in my thoughts and prayers. And I thank you for the encouragement you have given me in my own journey through grief. You have no idea how much your words have helped me.
    Blessings to you every day, but especially today.ReplyCancel


  • Alexa - beautiful Cora has been with Him for a whole year.. I’m sure she’s dancing with the king! β™₯ You are so brave! Thinking of you and sweet Cora today and every day!ReplyCancel


  • Ginger - I thought of you all day… I pray that God continues to use little Cora’s life. I wish she could meet Levi… he is so blessed. I’m so sorry that you have this kind of anniversary… you will continue to be in our prayers.ReplyCancel


  • nate - hi jess and joel. i love you guys so much. we prayed for you today at our staff meeting. i miss you and cora, too.

    lots of love from florida,


  • nate - did i mention that i’m proud of you? cuz i am. you’re showing us how to hope in the resurrection of Jesus.

    He is risen. Thank God.



  • Tristen@blissfulchaos - I have stumbled upon your blog about 5 months ago and have been amazed by your family. In spite of such a devastating experience, you seem to find the strength to help others at any chance you get. You are truly admirable. Your story has deeply touched me. I continue to read back to before this blog was a tribute to your daughter, but just a regular blog to pride about your daughter. As I read all your posts, I feel your pain and my heart hurts for you and your family. I also followed your journey with your second pregnancy and when the news came that you had little Levi, I feel like I know him! I’m so happy for you that you have God, an amazing family, and a new bundle of joy to help heal your sadness.ReplyCancel


  • The Idaho Olsens - Thinking of your family on this day…please know that you are loved.ReplyCancel


  • Christina - What a sweet thing you did. And as hard and awful and unimaginable as this year and day have been, I smiled when I read,”I ate three just in case.” I hope that’s all right that I said that. I think that when we can enjoy life in spite of the sorrow then God is manifested. You all show that quite well. Like many others I have this feeling of wishing I could make something better. But only He can, and will continue to do so. In His hope…ReplyCancel


  • Jennifer - Big hugs to you on this extra difficult day. My sister died 27 yrs ago and my mom and I still always go out for lunch on her birthday and the day she died and talk about our memories of her. I was only 3 at the time so it’s nice to hear about her and know that while I might not have a sister to call up on the phone, I *do* have a sister, a real one, she just lives up in heaven. Little Levi’s got that too. A real sister in heaven, one that will always be a part of your family. Hang in there. (((hugs)))ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - praying for you!!!!

    from AustraliaReplyCancel


  • Melissa.M.Loss - I remember reading that she was gone and though I do not know you all personal I was so shocked and sad I cried for you all so so much and Wish that no one ever had to feel this type of pain. I sit here today and cry knowing how hard it is to miss some one so so much and then have a beautiful little miracle to love at the same time. I was awaiting Levis arrival for so long then moved the day before he was born so I did not find out until last week that he was here and a boy! I am so happy for your blessing and so so sad for your loss. I hope that with each passing day you can keep coping the best you can. Thank you for sharing your life with us all it really is so helpful to see others faith and love in such a hard time. Levi is soooooooooooo Handsome and I know his big sister would have loved to hold him.ReplyCancel


  • Lauren Kelly - What a sweet way to remember Cora by making and delivering cupcakes. And glad Levi was there to bring you a sweet distraction! Love ya’ll!ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - Your family is never far from my thoughts, and always in my prayers … especially on this heavenly anniversary.

    How blessed you are to share life with sweet Levi. He is an absolute doll. I’m sure he gives you many reasons to smile each day!

    “Yesterday is history.
    Tomorrow is a mystery.
    Today is a gift …
    That’s why it’s called the present.”



  • gina - I have never met you. I am not sure I even commented her before – maybe once. But I have learned your story and prayed for your story through messages and love on other blogs. So today, know that you are loved and thought about from people you can never even imagine know your story. Know Cora’s. God Bless Baby Cora , forever.ReplyCancel


  • run26.2mom - The cupcakes look yummy. Another amazing act of your true genuine spirit and heart, remembering others on such an emotional day. We remember you this time of year and continue to pray for you and your beautiful family.


  • Emma and Company - I thought and prayed for you all on Monday. I thought of Cora as well, thank God you will be able to see her again!ReplyCancel


  • Lexie Loo & Dylan Too - You have been in my thoughts and prayers this week. This had to be an unbelievable difficult day for you. I think the cupcakes were a beautiful way to celebrate Cora’s life.ReplyCancel


  • Valerie Koop - I pray (and cry) for your family often.

    We have never met, but the day you posted about Cora and the cancer … it rocked me to the core. I realize now it was because my husband has stage 4 cancer and when I learned of Cora it was yet to be diagnosed. The biblical verses you posted spoke to me; that this was a journey we were on, too.

    I read your blog daily because I find that God speaks so loudly through it. On days when I struggle with faith I read many of the passages you have written and it soothes me so much.

    May the Lord continue to comfort and hold you.



  • Rich and Carolyn Dewey - We continue to pray for you. May the God of all Comfort wrap His arms around you and give you PEACE! Thanks for sharing your open, hurting hearts with all of us. You continue to give to us in ways known only to the Lord himself!

    Thinking of all four of you!



  • Just the Two of US - You are a strong woman and I will continue to pray for you and your family!ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - God Bless you all!ReplyCancel


  • laura - Jess for overa year I have read your Blog you truely inspire me. Your an awesome Mommy & Wife you always have creative ideas,Levi must be a great baby to allow you the time to make so many cupcake for the people that took care of Cora. Your family will always be in my thought & prayers.
    May God continue to bless your lives.ReplyCancel


  • Audrey - Have been thinking about your family non-stop these past few days, knowing it was getting close. Life is full of little blessings, Cora was just one of so many!ReplyCancel


  • Kristi REDISKE - What a great thing you have done to remember your Cora and the people who were able to help so much. I think this is such a great Christian witness also-you inspire me to do more for others. I would like to know where you get those cupcake holders and how you make your tags-so very cute! You are very talented, giving-its obvious what your spiritual gifts are. Still praying for you all.ReplyCancel


  • Heather - Been thinking of you this whole week. You are so creative Jess! I love the bows on the cupcakes..WONDERFUL IDEA!! Praying God continues to comfort your hearts.

    Love HeatherReplyCancel


  • Stephanie - What a beautiful way to remember a very beautiful child. I was a reader of your story just as it began to unfold last year. I have remembered you all in prayer and hurt with you throughout the year as well. May God continue to bless you with courage, strength, a lifetime of memories, and most of all, HOPE.ReplyCancel


  • Jenifer's Journey - Happy Birthday Cora! Many of preys to your mommy and daddy to get threw this terrible daysReplyCancel


  • Tall Pipi - I came across your blog for the first time on your baby’s heavenly anniversary. Thank you for sharing her story and your continuing journey. It is such a blessing to read and be reminded of what faith really looks like. In NZ we are way ahead of you in hours, but my prayers for you on this day stood the test of time. I’m glad your day just ‘was’. I look forward to reading more of your journey. Thank you for making the most of what the Lord has given you.ReplyCancel


  • purplemoose - I don’t think there is a “right” thing to do on this type of day. I think you are amazing to think of others and to thank them. God bless you and your family.ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - He never promised the cross would not get heavy
    And the hill would not be hard to climb
    He never offered victory without fighting
    But He said help would always come in time
    Just remember when you’re standing in the valley
    Of decision and the adversary says give in
    Just hold on, our Lord will show up
    And He will take you through the fire again!ReplyCancel


  • Amanda Nicole - Thank you so much for the cupcakes and hearts! The cupcakes were rumored to be the best we had ever had!!! Seriously you made those!?! I need the recipe! They were fantastic! And they came in handy on a very rough couple of days in the PICU. Thank you so much. Your beautiful Cora and family have not been forgotten up in PICU. We think and talk of you all often especially those of us who have kept up with your blog and have loved seeing you grow and bring lil Levi into the world. He’s a handsome lil guy!ReplyCancel


  • GAMZu - What a long time to be missing your girlie. I’m sorry about your pain. πŸ™

    It was a very thoughtful and special way to spend the day the way you did.ReplyCancel


  • Candi - I’m so sorry for your loss. I remember reading your story last year, and I just found your blog once again. Your family is in my prayers. On a positive note, congratulations on your handsome little guy!ReplyCancel


The winner of Giveaway #2 is…

Kristen Buckwalter!
Congratulations Kristen.
I will be e-mailing you soon so that we can get your package in the mail.

Thank you again for giving so generously.
We have raised $1300.00 for Calla and her family.

My mailbox has been overflowing with packages this week.
There are so many new and beautiful things
that we will be giving away in the weeks to come.

Happy weekend!

  • Christina Egner - Calla’s family is so blessed to have you in their lives.ReplyCancel


  • Mr. and Mrs. B - YAY! Looking forward to it πŸ™‚ReplyCancel


  • Lori Wiltse - Sweet Jess,
    Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you. I’ve been dreading Monday for you all week. Hugs from Andover to u and Joel, LoriReplyCancel


  • Angie - Thinking of you today and praying.

    Angie in TXReplyCancel


  • Townsend Crew - I found you last January – as your life entered a dark tunnel and you invited me to join with you in prayer and support. I have checked on you and prayed for you every day since. I have learned so much from this walk with Cora. Through your unbelievable witness of faith, dedication to your marriage, and your display of HOPE, my faith has been strengthened. Thank you for sharing your journey with us – the unknown prayer warriors. What a beautiful tribute to Cora’s short and purposeful life here on Earth. May you have some peace today, knowing that Cora’s short life served a great purpose! We give thanks for her today!
    Kate TownsendReplyCancel


  • Beki - TheRustedChain - Thinking of you, crying for you, praying for you today.

    God bless you guys.ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - Thinking of you and praying for you today.ReplyCancel


  • Andrea - Praying for you today. You’ll be heavy on my mind and heart. ((hugs))ReplyCancel


  • Steph - Thinking of you and praying for you today.

    Those who have been ransomed by the Lord will return. They will enter Jerusalem singing, crowned with everlasting joy. Sorrow and mourning will disappear, and they will be filled with joy and gladness.” Isaiah 51:11ReplyCancel


  • Misty Rice - Think of you guys and Cora today. I can’t believe its been a year. Its hart to not let your mind wonder about “what would she have been like today” “how long would her hair be” “what words would she be saying” ….. oh the aching feeling of missing her so much.

    Praying for you guys.ReplyCancel


  • Jane In The Jungle - Thinking of you all today…Praise God that hope is eternal.ReplyCancel


  • Karina - Thinking of you today as well.ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - “HUGS” Thinking, praying with tears for you today.ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - Jess – Your story is inspiration to many, including me. Thanks for letting me peek into your family for the last year or so. It’s been a transitional period during my life, and I’ve learned alot from you. Thank you. Thinking of you and your family today and always.ReplyCancel


  • Kimberley - Thinking of you and sending some extra prayers on this difficult anniversary.ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - Joel and Jess-
    Praying for you today and always. I can’t even begin to imagine the roller coaster of emotions you have been on in the last year. Thank you for sharing this incredibly difficult journey with us. Through your blogging you have touched so many with Cora’s story. I know through your journey I have walked closer with the Lord. You have shown me that no matter the circumstance to always give thanks and I am forever grateful for that! Sending you hugs today and will never forget your sweet Cora and the impact she has made on many!ReplyCancel


  • Toni :O) - Thinking of you all today….Big hugs and continued prayers to you all and hope Levi eases your pain and grief a bit.ReplyCancel


  • Graceful Moments - Lifting you up in prayer today. What an inspiration your family has been to so many people. God bless you! My heart aches for the hole that remains in your hearts for your precious little one.ReplyCancel


  • Amy - Thinking of you today.ReplyCancel


  • Suzy Q - Praying for you today!ReplyCancel


  • Gail - Praying for you today, Joel and Jess. Love you–Robbie and GailReplyCancel


  • Erica - You’re on our hearts today. May Father walk you through another hard day. Lots of love! Marvin & EricaReplyCancel


  • kaylin rose and mara anne - i am thinking of you and joel today…my heart goes out to the both of you. praying for you.ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - I have been following you silently since April. My son was born March 15, 2008. I found your blog looking for March ’08 babies. I am so sorry for your loss. I think about your family every day. Stay strong. God bless.ReplyCancel


  • Micah - Thinking of you today and always, and *praying* that God will give you an extra measure of peace, joy, and hope to make it through the day.ReplyCancel


  • Caroline - Praying for you today. I am sure Cora is dancing in Heaven and watching over baby Levi.



  • The Schaab Family - You don’t know me, but I am thinking of you today, and praying for you and your husband. How your story has changed me, to soak up every moment, and leave everything to God. Thank you, and God Bless!ReplyCancel


  • merlin - Extra prayers today on this day.
    Cora is remembered.ReplyCancel


  • mommaof4wife2r - many prayers for you…so honored that you have shared yourselves on this blog. my high school girlies in small group on sunday were talking about how reading and keeping up on your blog has strengthened them. thank you!ReplyCancel


  • MaryBeth in PA - Holding you close in prayer today. Your sweet little Cora will forever have a very special place in my heart.ReplyCancel


  • susy - I can’t believe it has been 1 year since Cora went to be with Jesus. She has touched so many lives even those who didn’t know her personally. God Bless you Cora and your family here also.ReplyCancel


  • Auntie Mip - LOving The Mac’s today as Cora is remembered! May we all live a little better because of Cora’s 341days and thefaith which her parents exemplify…even in grief.

    God Bless The Mac’s!!!ReplyCancel


  • Lisa - Joel and Jess (and little Levi:)
    Thinking of you today and praying for you today. Hugs to to all of you!
    Lisa Hart
    Emporia, KansasReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - Thinking of you today, as in everyday..with a heavy heart and lots of tears. Your precious Cora has touched so many..Thank you for continueing to share with us. Love the picture(actually love all the pictures)but saw a new one on Mandy Moments blog.Love it…so precious and heartbreaking. Lots lots and lots of prayers coming your way!



  • The Bohrer's - Joel and Jess, I don’t really know what to say, just felt led to leave a comment today. Just know that I am praying for you and your families especially today. Our little Levi was born less than a week after Cora and I think about you so many times when I look at him. HeidiReplyCancel


  • Shuggamom - Praying that GOD will comfort you with His peace,surround you with His love and you will feel His presence.

    Kiss sweet Levi for us!!!


    Rainy and COLD East TexasReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - You are in my thoughts and prayers today. Your authenticity and hope despite such heartache has encouraged me as I grieve the loss of my 22 year-old brother. Praying that you are overwhelmed with the peace that passes understanding as you remember your precious little girl today.ReplyCancel


  • John and Elisa Seaba - Thinking of you guys today!!ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - Thinking of you todayReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - just wanted you to know i said a prayer for you and Joel today-that you both would feel grace in abundance!!! I have to tell u how you’ve inspired me…God was using your faith and testimony and i was drawn to this blog and your words months before i would say good-bye to a little son this past September. Little did i know i know before i had experienced death of a child how i would come back even more for encouragement. After hearing u talk of the book “Hope” i got 1 for myself and it was so much what i needed. Thanx!!

    God bless you and your family and i celebrate Heaven becuz of Cora and my little Malachi and MANY MANY others who are worshiping and having the grandest of times there.It must be AMAZING!
    Hugs to you today-i’m sure it’s difficult!!!
    Lena StoltzfusReplyCancel


  • Alaina - Jess & Joel~
    Praying for you today….ReplyCancel


  • Makin' Me Crazy - Thinking about you and your family today.

    God Bless~



  • Anonymous - Thinking that today must be so difficult and hoping that a message of support from a stranger who cares makes even the smallest of differences. Your faith, honesty and strength are admirable. Sent with wishes for peace and hope to you and your husband. xReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - Thinking of you today, and praying for you. Shedding some tears, too, even though I’ve never met you or sweet Cora. Your precious daughter has touched my life, and I’m thankful to follow your blog, read about your faith, and catch glimpses of your sweet new son. {hugs} DonnaReplyCancel


  • Beth - Praying for you always, but for today especially.
    May Jesus be evident in every moment of this day. May you find joy in your son while missing his big sister.
    Blessings to you, Jess, Joel & Levi!ReplyCancel


  • Roma - I just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you today. Another family I know lost their son to cancer exactly 5 years to the day that Cora joined him in Jesus’ arms. Many thoughts and prayers to all of you today and always.ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - Thinking and praying for you today!ReplyCancel


  • Cathy - There are no words… thinking and praying for you today.ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - Joel and Jess-I am praying for you today. Your unfailing faith in our Lord has truly been an inspiration to me and many other people. Cora’s story touched my heart and your faithfulness has been a wonderful reminder of how to be good and faithful servants. God Bless you and your family.ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - Praying that God will wrap his arms around you today and give you comfort, strength, and peace.ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - Thinking of you on this difficult day, and knowing that Cora is smiling down at her baby brother. Hugs and prayers!ReplyCancel


  • Holli Taylor - Hmmm…what a question Julie posed on her blog. How has Cora’s story touched or changed our lives? I can tell you that I hold my baby a little tighter, love my God a little more and pray for even half the strength and faith that you both have in our Lord. I know this day can’t be easy, but in another way it is just yet another day here on earth without sweet Cora.

    Thanks for sharig your story and your lives with the world. How amazing that Cora touched so many during(and especially after) her time here on earth. How sweet heaven’s lullabys must be…praying tonight that you find much peace in the thought that Cora is resting is Jesus’ arms.ReplyCancel


  • Jill - praying for you today.ReplyCancel


  • The Gleasons - Jess and Joel,

    You are in my thoughts more than ever today. Sweet Cora has touched my life so much. I don’t think a day goes by when I don’t think of her or my love for my own children. I have come to love your little family so much and have so much admiration for you. God bless you all.

    Much love,
    Andrea GleasonReplyCancel


  • rentz - Joel and Jess,
    Been praying extra today.ReplyCancel


  • merlin - The day is winding down, still thinking about and praying for you. Today I’ve thought this is a sad day, but just now thought, it is a day to celebate Cora. I hope there were moments of joy along with the disbelief and tears.ReplyCancel


Giveaway #2
Here is what you will win:
Cora Dress – 3 months
Bug Swaddle Blanket & Burpie Set
Striped Swaddle Blanket
Cupcake Onesie – 3 months
Toddler Dress
Boys Tie T-shirt – XS (4/5)
Flower Felt Clippies
Bow Clippies
Western Bibs
6.5″ x 9.5″ Custom Designed Boutique Message Board (stand included)

I keep forgetting to mention that Sara at Sarah and Abraham designed the Calla blinkie button.

Isn’t it great?!
All of her stuff is beautiful.
She even has some adorable custom Valentines right now.
If you have time, go check out her store.
Thank you Sara!


I am so behind.
When I set up the e-mail account for my blog I had such good intentions.
I wanted to respond to all of your questions.
After all, you have been so kind to me.
But I have over 100 e-mails sitting in my inbox.
Some from several months ago.
I have read them all.
And I still intend to respond…someday.
I guess I am telling you because I want you to know that I care.
I am just a procrastinator and have gotten a little overwhelmed.
Ahhh…I feel so much better now that you know!

I have responded to most of the Cora’s for Calla e-mails.
I still have a few I need to get back to.
Oh and I am sure you are wanting to see this week’s raffle.
I was planning on posting it today,
but have been feeling pretty yucky this afternoon.
Hopefully I am not getting sick.
So, the raffle will be posted tomorrow.
Come back and check out all the great stuff then.

And for those of you who asked.
We raised just over $800.00 for the Johnsons.
Thank you so much for blessing Calla and her family in this way.
I can’t wait to see what else we can do!

  • Amanda - Oh no Jess – I hope you’re not getting sick. I’m sorry to hear you weren’t feeling so hot this afternoon – I hope it wasn’t Becks!

    $800 – AMAZING!

    Can’t wait to see the next raffle!ReplyCancel


  • kaylin rose and mara anne - I hope you are not getting sick and no worries about your inbox!

    Can’t wait to see the next raffle…and I will be sending you my item soon!ReplyCancel


  • Todd and Courtney - $800 – awesome! You are such a wonderful, thoughtful friend. Too bad we don’t live in the same town πŸ™‚ I love the pictures you post of Levi. He’s seriously the cutest little guy I’ve ever seen!ReplyCancel


  • Stef - oh, goodness, please don’t respond back to my email! I just wrote it to let you know how much I love your blog and that we pray for you and things God has taught me. So if you got one from eatsleepandrun – ignore it πŸ™‚ Truly… I’m just glad you read it.ReplyCancel


  • Momma H - The picture of Joel and Levi is so precious!
    Will be praying for your health.
    You really are a blessing to so many people! Thanks for just being you!ReplyCancel


  • Keilani - Baby Levi is so handsome!!! I know what you mean about boy shopping! I have 5 boys..they are never as fun to shop for! Jeans…t-shirts… You are such a wonderful family! I am honored to have been able to peek into your lives thru your blog. Thank you!
    Ps..thanks for showing us Baby Calla too…ReplyCancel


  • Deborah - Hope you are not sick. Keep posting cute baby pictures and it’s okay that you are behind on the e-mail.ReplyCancel


  • Christina - Wow, on that total!
    And be good to yourself! Yes, I hope you are not getting sick as well.
    That is a wonderful picture of your boys. πŸ™‚ReplyCancel


  • Diana - LOL! Mr. Levi looks like he’s saying, “Ohhhh Mom, you haven’t answered them???” That is an adorable photo of daddy and son.

    But really, I’m betting no one is worried… they know where you are and what your days are filled with, what you’ve had to contend with.

    AWESOME for the $800!! Woo-hoo!ReplyCancel


  • SouthernGalsBoutique - What a great turnout for the 1st raffle!!! πŸ™‚ I hope you get feeling better soon!! Just a great reason to sit around and cuddle with Levi even more. πŸ˜€ He’s such a gorgeous little guy.ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - Don’t you worry about that inbox! You just focus on being a good mommy to Levi…everyone understands!ReplyCancel


  • Kelly - We understand! You have a new baby and a family to tend to and that is your first priority!



  • KK - Emails can wait. Baby Levi can’t!!! We know very well what your priority should be. πŸ™‚ReplyCancel


  • mommaof4wife2r - behind? what does that mean? i mean, the inbox will wait…take all the smiles and cuddles from that little one and now worries!ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - Worry? no worries.the emails will still be there and coming :)…you just had a baby and now are doing something totally amazing for your friends..REST..RELAX..Enjoy that baby…



  • CourtneyC - Yippee for raising so much money!!!ReplyCancel


  • Kelly - Hi Jess, I love the picture of Joel and Levi!
    I am so glad to hear $800 has been raised to help Calla’s family!…oh, and the blankets were sent out to you yesterday, so you should be getting them shortly!! πŸ™‚
    praying you don’t get sick, just rest as much as you can!ReplyCancel


  • leel - oh my goodness!$800?!? from the first raffle alone? You are amazing!

    I hope you are feeling better & thanks for the update on your e-mail. I just sent you one 2 days ago! weird!ReplyCancel


  • Jessica - Wow! That is great news! $800!!
    I hope you aren’t getting sick either!
    Love the pic of Levi and Joel!ReplyCancel


  • Karina - Ummmm…Aren’t you the mother of a one-month-old? What are you apologizing to us (your stalkers, essentially) for? Procrastinating??? You are still mourning your beautiful daughter while mothering a new son and raising money for Calla – I see nothing there to apologize for! Look after yourself and let your body fend off any sickness. We can wait.ReplyCancel


  • Tricia - $800! That’s amazing! What a blessing for their sweet family.

    It’s funny, because I find myself needing to explain when I’m not right on top of things on my blog and people always tell me, “take care of you and your family. the rest can wait.” I always tend to feel guilty.

    When I hear you say it, I realize how true it really is. The love that we strangers feel for your blessed family is not something that needs a note of validation. (At least not from my perspective.) We all just love you because you’re lovable. πŸ˜‰

    Take care of yourself. Take care of Levi and Joel and we will all still be here loving you guys.



  • Kathryn - Vitamin D3 – in substantial doses – is good for fighting colds. They are finding almost every ailment these days is related to low Vitamin D3. Google it or check out the site “Doctor Yourself” by Andrew Saul.

    Hope you feel better soon! I’m told that it is normal to be behind, being a new mama. Not in my experience, i’m afraid. But you can’t be hard on yourself.ReplyCancel


  • Miss G - oh jess! how refreshing to see this post. I need to just tell people when I’m feeling bad about things that just haven’t happened sometimes too. What a great example. I’m sure you feel much better. Take your time! πŸ™‚ KellyReplyCancel


  • Rebecca - I am thinking and praying for you guys and your families a lot this weekend. We are remembering and rejoicing in your sweet Cora’s amazing life and story.

    Love and Hugs to all of you.ReplyCancel


I have so much to learn.
Boys are very different from girls.
It has almost been a month of life with my little boy.
Here are some things I have noticed so far…
photo by Meg Duerksen
A boys outfit is so much more simple. No matching shoes, matching leggings, headbands, hair bows, or clips. Simple.Β 
Shopping for boys is not quite as exciting and there are not as many options. The boys section is like a fourth as big as the girls section. What’s up with that?
Diaper changing. Enough said.
It is so easy to make things for a little girl. You can sew up anything for a girl and they look cute. Not so much with boys. Levi’s daddy said he doesn’t want his little boy to be too “cute”. I guess that is why our Etsy shop is mostly full of girl things. I am thinking we are going to need to add some more boy things to Cora’s soon. I will be working on that.
No pink, ruffles, or frills. Now it’s blue, trucks, and balls.
I am sure this is just the beginning.
I am not going to lie. I was so surprised when Levi was born and we found out we had a little boy. My mind was still programed to all things little girl. That is what I was used to. That is what I missed. Of course we fell in the love with Mr. Levi the second we saw him. We knew that God had entrusted this little boy to us for a reason. He is such a blessing and we already can’t imagine life without him.
We have put away pretty much all the girlie things that were in Cora’s room…now Levi’s room. That was so hard. I cried. Partially because my heart hurt so badly that Cora wasn’t there with us. It seemed so awful to be putting her things in a box. And partially because I didn’t want to say goodbye to all those fun girlie things. I miss that.
But we knew we needed to take that step. Something that we heard at the Respite Retreat kept coming back to me.Β 
Invest in the living.Β 
We could have left Cora’s room just the way it was and put Levi in another room. We could have left out all the pink and girlie things. And for some people that might be what works for them. Everyone grieves and moves forward so differently. But for us, we felt like we needed to put Cora’s stuff away that we wouldn’t be using anymore and invest in our new little boy. That meant out with the pink and in with the blue. I must confess that I did keep a few girlie things out and moved them to my craft room/guest room. I can’t let the boys totally overtake everything. A girl’s gotta have some pink and frills somewhere in her house!
So, here I am ready to invest in our little Levi. All things boy…here I come! I am ready to embrace the trucks, tractors, balls, bugs, and dirt. I may need some guidance along the way from all of you mamas out there who have little boys of your own.Β 
Oh, and speaking of boys. I was so excited when I saw on Ashley’s blog this morning that Dana of Made and Made by Rae are teaming up for the entire month of February to celebrate boys. How great! I can’t wait to see all the ideas for boys. Maybe it will give me some inspiration.

Β Β  Β  Β 

  • Tami - Oh such an honest post. You are such a gift of God and so is your family. Your pain I have cried with, but I am so glad to be a part of seeing your healing.

    Thank you for your honesty and sharing ti with us all,


  • Christina - Boys are definitely so different. Our boy was our second as well, and from the time he was little, less than a year, he was fascinated by cars and trucks, any vehicle really, and building toys. My daughters both like those toys, too, but the intensity is not the same! They are fun in a different way…God designed them differently so that we would enjoy them for their uniqueness, and the perspective that they bring to things.
    And on changing the diaper…use an extra wipe for cover. πŸ˜‰ I got peed on, in my hair, early on…those are lessons you learn fast! haha
    It’s amazing how your posts can move me from smiles to tears in seconds. I’m sure you feel that way about living your life…such a swing. I think that the sentence you shared about investing is quite profound, for all of us. Thank you for passing that on.ReplyCancel


  • purejoy - i have no doubt that you’ll come up with adorable things to make for levi. maybe because of your efforts there will be lots and lots of boy-inspired clothing on etsy.
    wishing you all the best with your adorable little levi.ReplyCancel


  • HighlandGhillie - β™₯
    I too have been peed on…
    I got it right in the forehead.ReplyCancel


  • Bri!!! - I LOVE BOYS! I come from a family with 5 kids. I have 3 sisters and the last one was a boy. I really wanted to have all girls when we started our own family, but I just knew I was going to have a boy first and I did. I have realized there is nothing like a little boy. Although I haven’t had a girl yet and PRAY I have at least one girl so I’m sure I will feel the same way about a girl, but oh my, I love little boys. They really are different. Clothes are way harder to find for boys and the cute ones are a little more pricey. There are cute girl clothes at any store…even wal-mart:-). Anyway, sweet post. He really is a cutie. I really hope to get another little man here soon. When I see Levi I get so dang baby hungry.ReplyCancel


  • Carla - Your post really has me thinking….I am due my second baby at teh end of the month, I have a girl already and like you, I’m just programmed to think “girl”. I wonder will that have to change at the end of the month!!!
    You sound good, even though they were some awfully hard steps you took this week. Thinking of you often and wishing strength and peace xReplyCancel


  • dana - Thanks for posting about our BOY month πŸ™‚ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - Ah sweet Mommy boys and girls are so different πŸ™‚ How open and honest you are with your life! Can’t wait to see more boy things added to Cora’s πŸ˜‰



  • Aislinn - I have three boys, my ideas are to just enjoy them and have fun. They love to cuddle and Easter is the best time to buy suits and ties for them!! Thats one thing you can put in your esty shop, ties. They are easy to make and I can never find nice ones for kids!!
    Advice from a mom with boys is enjoy being the queen of the castle. Its fun and I love being “protected” by all my boys!!ReplyCancel


  • Micah - Well, I have nothing to share, since I have three girls. I always tell my husband i would be so lost with a boy :). That picture of Levi is about the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen. I wish I could kiss on those sweet little cheeks. I’m sure he gets plenty of that already, though πŸ˜‰ReplyCancel


  • jen christians - Oh Jess, Bless your heart! During the first diaper change after bringing Tyler home, he peed in his face! I was mortified, and he was surprised!
    You are so right about the boy sections at stores…that is wrong!
    AS FOR THE LOVE OF A BOY TO HIS MOTHER…There is not much in the world that is sweeter…ReplyCancel


  • Aaron and Shannon - All I’ve ever known is boys!!! I am excited that you will be adding more boy things to Cora’s. I still have the dress I bought, just hoping that I may get to use it sometime! I know you have a lot of people that will be giving you advice, but please don’t hesitate to ask about things! It’s all boy in our house!!ReplyCancel


  • Joyce - I love your honesty. Have lots of fun with your baby boy. I have daughters and I look forward to a son in law one day. I think mothers and sons have a different kind of special relationship that is oh so sweet too.ReplyCancel


  • Patricia - Yes , boys are very different than our little girls, but thank our Lord for that lovely difference. My “little girl” is now 21 years old, and when my “little boy” , who is now 13 , was born – I was shocked ! What should I do with this little boy !?? He’s so different than her ! Yes, but wonderfully different in his very own way. What a gift from our Lord to know both…..ReplyCancel


  • HD - Yes, you are most definitely correct – boys are very different from girls. I had my boy 4 years ago, and my girl almost 2 years ago. They were different as babies. They are different as toddlers. And I’m expecting the trend will follow.
    Please feel free to visit my blog, and ask questions if you ever need anything. I’m no expert. Just a mom.ReplyCancel


  • Holli Taylor - I have a whole housefull of boys right down to the dog. I just knew wewould have a girl also and God surprised us. I think maybe he knew what I could handle. Girls can be a bit overwhelming at times. Boys love their mamas! No one else can fix it like mom…makes me feel very needed.ReplyCancel


  • Candice - I have a little boy and it is amazing. I love my little mama’s boy. There is such a special relationship between a mother and son. BTW, I dress my son like a very cool little dude!! πŸ™‚ReplyCancel


  • Andy and Cari - I agree with everything you said! I too have a small son(7mo) and he was born after our first child, a girl, went to be with Jesus. I was not ready to give up the pink and all things girl. Yet, I have embrassed the blue and havefound much joy in my son.
    I would LOVE to see cute boy more clothes. At my husbands request, like yours, we dress Rigg like a
    “little man”.
    As for the diaper changing,have you heard of a pee pee teepee? They are awesome!
    enjoy your sweet little man. I have found our little guy to be a soothing balm for grief that is still hard to bear at times. There is freedom in Gods choice. How thankful I am for for both my daughter,and my son. Such gifts! As is your Cora and your Levi!
    Is your etsy shop open?ReplyCancel


  • Toni :O) - Beautiful post. I have to say, my son is 11 and I’m more than happy to share advice and tips. The land of Hot Wheels is THE BEST! Boys certainly are easier in my opinion…they tend to be more easy going and got that right…the selection is less and it’s not nearly as fun but it’s because most boys don’t care what they wear like girls do. I LOVE having my daughter to raise, but having a boy, opens your eyes to a whole new world…it’s an amazing gift that God has entrusted us moms with boys to raise…it’s a true blessing and one I feel so happy about that I received the chance to be a Mom to a Son. Have fun! Oh, and yeah, I got peed on quite a bit back in the day of changing his diapers! Ugh!ReplyCancel


  • Ang - He is adorable!!ReplyCancel


  • rentz - The lack of clothes for boys was the hardest thing for me too. My eyes still go to the little girl’s section first even though I haven’t had a “little” girl for many years now.

    As Levi gets older another difference you will notice is the noise level. Girls can be squealy, but nothing compares to the noises of little boys. It is impossible for Ezzie and Jobie to play without making ALL kinds of sound effects…ALL the time. So much fun!

    Praise the Lord for the differences!ReplyCancel


  • Megan - I am feeling just as lost. My daughter turns 5 today and we will have our baby boy next week. I have to say I am no where near ready for this little guy to come. Shopping and preparing for my girl was a whole lot easier. I am having a hard time buying clothes for this one now…I am just drawn to the ruffle butts and hearts πŸ™‚ I need to learn how to switch my brain over! And did I mention Im scared of the diaper changes??ReplyCancel


  • Lauren Kelly - The dynamics of boys are certainly so different then girls, and each are such a blessing in their own way. Levi is such a cutie πŸ™‚ReplyCancel


  • Carlotta - I have two boys (5 1/2 and 2) and absolutely love it. God totally knew what he was doing when he made those choices for us (of course). I now really appreciate the simplicity of getting boys dressed and out the door in the morning. Both of our boys from birth seemed to be little men. Something always looked a little off when I dressed them too ‘cute’ or in all pastels. Maybe connected with their personalities I suppose.



  • Kelly - I grew up in a house with all girls (except my dad, of course) and now have a house full of boys. I love my 3 boys and wouldn’t know what to do with a girl at this point πŸ™‚ Shopping is HARD especially as they’re getting older. But I like a challenge so I’m use to it now. Your knowledge of Star Wars, Marvel vs.DC Comics,Legos, cars and sports will reach a depth you never knew possible. πŸ™‚ HAVE FUN!ReplyCancel


  • The Morris Family - Hi Jess,
    We have 9 boys!!! (and 4 girls) I love, love , love having the little boys. One thing, they grow into handsome young men who can work with their dad in our construction business!! Joel is going to love having a little sidekick! I would not trade our girls in of course:) but I am not complaining one bit for all the boys the Lord blessed us with. Yes, it is a world of dirt, cowboys and indians, hammers, boots, and lots of rowdy sibling fun. I love to see all of our boys interacting together, it is such a joy and how they “takecare” of their sisters!! The bottom line is children area blessing, boy or girls!!

    Our oldest are twin boys 22, all the way down to our Mercy who is 3 1/2.

    We have two sets of twins….our 3 yr, Joel with the Lord 1/23/07, neuroblastoma, like your CoraReplyCancel


  • Angela - So proud of you. Even through the tears.

    I am expecting my third boy, and though I really wanted a girl this time, part of me is relieved. I love my boys. The world of trucks and balls and Toy Story and Cars is so fun. You’re going to love it. πŸ™‚ReplyCancel


  • Lauren - So true. =) I can’t wait to see what you come up with for our sweet little boys. My hubby too refused to let Robbie or Caleb be too “cutsy”… so it’s puppy dogs, trucks, and balls all the way.

    Side note — did you hear that Clayton and Erin are pregnant?? I’m so excited for them I can hardly stand it. Big answer to prayer!

    Hugs, LReplyCancel


  • Angie - Jess, I do pray that God blesses you and Joel with another little girl in the future; and also that little Levi has you yearning for “all things boy” in a very short time.

    The clothing…while it’s not as ‘involved’ as girl options, it has improved so much since we first became parents to our first boy. πŸ™‚ Target’s Osh Kosh, Gap, and Children’s Place all offer classic, un-gawdied (< --maybe not a word) boy attire. You are a Godly, good mama…and He will help you find the “boy” spirit to be the mother that Levi needs inspite of the aching that missing Cora must bring each day. You and Joel have an amazing testimony; and I look forward to watching you raise Levi and his siblings in the future.ReplyCancel


  • Michelle - I always thought that the little girl things were cuter and there are simply more of them at the store. But after having boys, your perspective changes. Snails and puppy dogs are really cute too, they just don’t put them out on the front rack. The thing I think most moms of boys have to learn is that it all washes off – dirt, paint, hair gel to make spiky hair. And twenty years from now it won’t matter that they are covered in it. Oh and peeing becomes a sport. Trees, bushes, rock, the dog once….ReplyCancel


  • Tess Smith - invest in the living. GOD is GOOD, and so is the word of God.

    congratulations on your new little guy. boys are the best. my jack seems to hold on a little bit longer with each hug.ReplyCancel


  • Al's World - When I was pregnant with my son, I wanted a girl so much…I didn’t know what to do with boys. Then he was born…oh my goodness how fun was he?! They are easy, give ’em dirt and a car and they are set. I love boys and I am having another one and can’t wait! Congratulations on joining the mommy and boy club, there is just something special about that relationship.ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - There is NOTHING like the love a little boy gives his momma! You will always be BEAUTIFUL in his eyes….


    Mom of 4 boysReplyCancel


  • Nelson's Mama - Levi is so sweet!

    I have two girls that I enjoyed buying for, but I was always drawn to the little boys clothes. I always loved the bright colors, sweaters,jeans and hoodies (Baby Gap anyone?).

    I think I like the idea of “miniature men’s clothes”!ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - Being the mother of THREE fabulous boys, I can relate to everything you said. I will add that boys will always hold a special place in their hearts for their first love, MOMMY! Keep enjoying God’s blessing in Levi.ReplyCancel


  • The Parker's - Boys are so much different! Changing diapers — let’s just say that in Elijah’s first month of life, I changed more outfits and jammies than ever before!! I’m doing much better now with that…thankfully!ReplyCancel


  • Jane In The Jungle - Mom of 3 boys here…and then along came the girl. It’s a totally different mind set….but I feel God knew maybe different would really be better for you at this point in time…rejoice in Levi’s differences and wrap your arms around it and hang on…the whirlwind of boy-land is just beginning!ReplyCancel


  • The Hopkins Home - We had our boy after 2 girls and it’s definitely different. I mourned during his babyhood at the small selection at the store and worried that he wouldn’t have homemade things from me like his sisters did – all things you expressed. But then as I began to turn that corner and celebrate his “boyness” (as you are doing!)I found that I could make little stuffed monkeys and those so-ugly-they’re-cute monsters instead of fluffy cats and rag dolls. I found rocket ship patterns to sew onto his plain shirts and iron on truck/tractor decals to use on his jeans. You have so much to look forward to! Boys are sometimes a lot of work but always so much joy! My son wants to be just like his daddy and that is precious to watch – it will be such a wonderful time for Joel as Levi nears preschool years and tries to copy all he does! Boys also love their mama’s with all their little hearts and do endearing things like pick a bunch of dandelions for mom or make a lego tower “just for you mom!” He will fill your days with love and laughter. I can’t imagine your pain but I applaud your efforts to move forward while still honoring the special, cherished place Cora will always have in your family.ReplyCancel


  • Molly - I’ve never experienced a girl and probably won’t. I’m due with my second boy in May. I can’t imagine anything frilly or pink. I am sorely outnumbered now : ) But I love little boys. They are SO MUCH FUN!ReplyCancel


  • Cyndi - Oh, my heart is so heavy for you! (((hugs))) I had two girls and then a boy. My boy is now 21 months and I am STILL amazed at the difference between boys and girls. I thought people were exaggerating. But clearly boys are soooo different!ReplyCancel


  • Jaclyn @ Love, Laughter, and Complete Chaos - I grew up in a family of 3 girls, and now am the mommy to 3 little boys. πŸ™‚ It is completely different, and although I don’t know any different now than living in “boydom” I wouldn’t have it any other way.

    The clothes are definitely getting better (The Children’s Place is my favorite right now…they actually do a pretty good job of having as much boy stuff as they do girl stuff)…not as many options as there are with girls, but it can still be fun. πŸ™‚

    My favorite thing about having boys: the way they love their moms. They are sweet, protective, gentle (they know that wrestling is for Dad, not me). They are funny, crazy, and imaginative.

    Welcome to the world of cars, dirt, and legos. Of superman capes and homemade forts. It’s a fun, fun place to be, and you will be great at it!ReplyCancel


  • JESSICA - I have two boys and one girl – the boys are older. I must say that I really enjoy shopping for my boys. You just have to learn where to look. I don’t let my boys leave the house in anything uncoordinated, and they always have matching shoes and socks. It’s not “cutesy”, just matching. Everyone says that girls are more expensive – I spend more on my boys than on my little angel. You can find good deals on girls clothing – not so much on cute boys clothing. You have to make shopping for a boy fun!
    It’s funny because changing a girl, to me, is much harder than changing a boy. With a boy, you wipe and you are done. With a girl, you have to wipe in the correct direction, and make sure to clean all of the right areas. We have also found that our little girl’s diapers smell WAY worse than any of the boys.
    I love reading everyone’s opinions on boys versus girls though.
    Good luck with little Levi. He is such a good-looking little guy!ReplyCancel


  • Claudia - well I’m on the opposite side on the gender thing, I have a boy and now we are having a girl. I’m used to the blue-green-brown-yellow-anything but pink – clothes. Cars, Trains, Planes, Balls, Mud, Music Instruments (which this works for both genders), etc.

    I have no clue about bows, tights … diaper changing a girl … any of that. I don’t even like Pink πŸ™‚

    Boys are awesome, they have a wonderful connection with their mom. It’s a love that you can’t describe or even imagine yet but when that cute little boy looks at you and tells you he loves you for the first time … well … then your heart is completely melted and that’s it!! πŸ™‚

    The way they want to take care of you, love on you, make sure you are ok, play with your hair … I don’t know … so many wonderful things to look forward! Story time at night, mother and son talks … it will be great! Promise!!ReplyCancel


  • Rich and Carolyn Dewey - Hi Jess and Joel!

    Being the parents of three sons is our greatest joy! As someone said, after nieces and now 8 granddaughters, we have discovered girls are so squealy and often shrill. Boys are just loud and rambuctious – and always eating. You’ll learn more about football and whatever sports Levi learns to love than you imagined possible. I remember talking ith my brother-in-law (MANY years ago!), comparing stories of what it was like for him to have three girls and me to have three boys (and we both longed for the opposite!). He was bemoaning all the drama, I said, “well at least you don’t have jock straps hanging off your dining room chairs!” Such a memory – and vision I’ll never forget! (But WORTH it!)

    Jeans and tee shirts, you gotta love the simplicity of it all!

    Love Levi large!ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - Ahh diapering a baby boy. Our oldest boy loves to hear the “funny” stories of how inept we were at changing his diaper when he was little. =) And you are SO right about the amount of boys clothes out there verses girl clothes. How unfair! =) But, overalls are awfully cute on a little boy and so are little hats, and just wait until you put him in a little suit. So cute! =)ReplyCancel


  • Tricia - I have three girls. When we had our first, I was SURE that she was a boy. No proof. Just sure. When she was born, I was shocked!! Then came the other two, and with those I just knew that they were going to be girls. Girls are what I know. I understand what you mean about that.

    I do not have the joy of a sweet little boy in my house, but I can fully imagine the diapering oopsies and the trucks and mud!

    God indeed knew (knows) what he was (is) doing. I’m quite sure that Cora is overjoyed to “share her room” with Levi.

    With continued prayer for nothing but abundant blessings for your sweet family.



  • kinsey - hank (almost 5 months) is my first, so i only know boys, but i agree with your list πŸ™‚ love reading about your family. levi is one lucky little BOY! and so fun that those blogs are doing boy things this month…can’t wait to read about them!ReplyCancel


  • Sue - Your Levi is precious. Some day he’s going to read your posts and see what a beautiful mother he has. All boys love their mamas but yours will have even more reason to love you. I feel sorry for his wife- she’ll have a tough act to follow! πŸ™‚

    I’m a girly girl who is a mother to only boys. I often wonder why God didn’t give me a daughter but I have to say that I think boys are wonderful. The clothes and toys aren’t much fun at all but the boys themselves are. It’s also a privilege (but very scary!) to have the opportunity to raise a strong, Godly gentleman for the world.

    I’m still praying for you as you miss your Cora.ReplyCancel


  • The Browns - Yeah! I would love to see more boy things in Cora’s. I have an almost 6 week old boy now & I agree, it is really hard to find cute boy stuff. Here are a few things I think are cute for boys:

    -little cutsy monsters
    -monkeys (I’m partial to this)
    -owls (my sister is doing her nursery in owls for her baby boy)
    -you could do onsies with the little neck-ties in different patterns
    -basic dots & shapes in cute boy colors
    -bunnys (especially for Easter!)

    Okay, thats all I can think of right now, but I can’t wait to see what you come up with πŸ™‚

    <3 BonReplyCancel


  • The Browns - Oh, and little chickens for easter πŸ˜€ReplyCancel


  • Heather's Home (aka Chez Hez) - Oh there’s definitely a difference in boys things! I was always so glad I gave birth to my guy first for some reason because I wasn’t too sure about this whole girl thing (as I was never a girly girl before my gals) – and I loved his little track suits and sweat shirts, etc….it’s a whole different but wonderful world! Embrace that little guy and love the changes – it’s all part of your story. πŸ™‚ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - I have definitely thought about starting my own clothing store just for BOYS! There is just not a good selection out there!!!



  • sassy studio - Hey Momma Mac you come on over to Sassy’s blog to learn about boys! I agree Ashley Anne’s is the leader but boys are very tricky for us girly girls. My little guy 20months LOVED stamping val day stamps make his Valentines-just an example of how boys can roll with us artsy Mommas!


  • run26.2mom - Levi is precious! I have said this before and think it each time I read your post…but Cora and Levi have the most beautiful eyes!
    Your humor and honesty made my day. I always thought I would have a house full of boys just because of our lifestyle and given the fact that I really can’t fix my own hair. Well two girls it is for us. Yea, and their hair ..not so good…Hmmm… so I can’t wait to read about your boy adventures!ReplyCancel


  • Stef - I love the way you said “invest in the living” its so true. What a pearl of wisdom. I think its so easy (in all things) for us to look back at what was or what could have been. God wants us to dwell on what’s real, present and true.

    I cannot imagine going through what you’re going through. I simply cannot. But its been refreshing to hear the new ways you’re learning about God’s character; how He brings you through things no one else can get you through.

    Levi is a blessed little boy. He has parents that will be able to pass down these life lessons and show him what God’s love, peace and hope looks like, lived out on a daily basis.ReplyCancel


  • Crystal - I am a mom of 2 boys πŸ™‚ My most favorite time of the year is Easter. I love Easter for many reason but one of the reasons is that it is the only time of the year that I get to dress up my boys. When they were small it was easier because I could pick out real cute stuff now it is shirts and ties that are still fun. When my youngest was about 1 year old for Easter he wore some Knickers, with suspenders, bowtie, and Newsboy cap. He was the cutiest little thing I have ever seen!! I got it off of ebay for I think under 20 dollars but I found a link to one being sold on Amazon that is the same outfit he wore πŸ™‚

    Welcome to the world of dirt, cars, monster trucks, many falls,
    bugs, dinos, action figures, and many more things that are boys πŸ™‚ReplyCancel


  • Renee - I am a mommy to a wonderful little boy who is just shy of turning two. When I was pregant, I immediately thought “girl” and was pretty shocked at our ultrasound to find out that we were having a boy! I was a little nervous, because I felt like I wouldn’t be a good mommy to a baby boy – I grew up with two sisters and there are mostly girls in my extended family. But, I fell in LOVE with my son instantly. And that mother-son bond that everyone talks about – it was there right away. I can’t imagine life without him. I hope that I’ll get a chance to experience having a daughter someday, but if not, it’s okay.

    Boys are busy bees, always on the go, running, jumping, climbing, rough and tumble, trucks and trains, mud and grass stains..but they are also lovable, huggable, kissable snuggle bugs who love their mamas very much. Enjoy every moment with Levi. And remember this:

    “Mothers of little boys work from son up till son down.”ReplyCancel


  • Our Journey - I know what you mean by boys being different. My five best friends have 8 girls between them and my son is the only boy. At first I was a little sad I didn’t get to do the girly things with them but now I realize that I have my mommy’s boy. He loves me so much and it is so special to have the opposite sex parent relationship. Not to say that I wouldn’t love a little girl in the future to have pedicures and girl time with. I think you will truly enjoy experiencing a boy.ReplyCancel


  • Laura - Gymboree – the best place for boys clothes! I have two boys and I personally keep that store afloat it feels!ReplyCancel


  • Tammie - Brio, and legos, get used to them they will be part of your world from here on in,(and it is a really wonderful world) I have two boys, 13 and 11, so thankful for boys now that we are entering into the teen years. My friends w/ daughters have it soooo much harder now. Love your posts, how honest w/ your feelings you are.ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - Smart move keeping some “girl space” for you…in a few years, you might want to designate a girls only bathroom (I’m just saying)…

    hugs to that baby…he is adorable no matter what he wears!!ReplyCancel


  • beckley - dinosaurs.
    cute, little brontasauruses and triceratops.

    you can cut those out of cute fabric and sew them on.

    and they’re dinosaurs.
    so they’re totally hard core πŸ™‚ReplyCancel


  • wilson - I loved your post! You should check out Gymboree for not too cute boy clothes. They have a new tractor group that would be perfect for your little farm baby!ReplyCancel


  • - Your story, sweetness and honesty have once again touched my heart so deeply. The way you can express your thoughts into words is such a gift. I think you could write a post on what you ate for breakfast and I would be moved to TEARS. πŸ™‚
    As I was scrolling down reading the post, I loved seeing the new picture of Levi and the one of Cora on your right side bar together. They look so much alike!! So adorable!
    I’m not in the business of guessing why God does what he does, but I couldn’t help but think that He put a little boy in your life so that you could keep Cora’s girly memories just for her, ya know.
    And lastly, as I was reading your post I was reminded of an example of a difference between girls and boys with my daughter and son. I wonder if you’ve had an similiar experience with Cora and will with Levi. When Avery, my daughter, was little (as little as 6 months) she would play with the FP stacker toy (do you know which one I’m talking about?) for so long trying to get the rings just right. oh, and she loved wearing the larger ones as bracelets! (haha, forgot about that until I was proof reading my comment). Anyway, one day my son, Drew was playing with the same stacker toy and proceeded to take it all apart, unscrew the peg thing (that the rings go around) and kept swinging it around repeating, “baseball”, “baseball”. Haha. Enjoy the new boy moments with your little man and always remember and treasure the girly ones with your princess. Always thinking and praying for you and your family. XXX, MicheleReplyCancel


  • Melissa - Welcome sweet Levi! We just welcomed our third boy and I love being the mama of boys! God knew that you needed a son and He has prepared you and your husband to raise a godly man! (Which this world needs more of!!!) I will be praying for you as you learn more about your precious Levi.

    You come to my mind often b/c my little sister lives in Kansas and her third was a girl~ they named her Cora. My heart always says a prayer when I think of you. Congratulations on your sweet new baby, may God light your path at each step as you learn more about raising a man who loves God and follows hard after Him.

    And just for the record, you will be amazed at what his little mind will come up with! Life is such an adventure with boys!ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - Listen to the song “Godspeed” by the Dixie Chicks, if you haven’t already. It’s beautiful and all about boys. It’s message will ring even truer as Levi gets older.
    -Mother of three boys (and one girl.)ReplyCancel


  • Corinne Doughan - As a mama of two boys myself I am all for you coming up with some ideas for your shop that are for BOYS! There isn’t much out there … I’m anxious to see what you come up with!ReplyCancel


  • in a world surrounded by men - I don’t know what to say other than joy and pain are such a unique mix.

    Your little boy is perfect though. I’m sure that God planned this perfectly for more reasons than we can think of.ReplyCancel


  • Whimsical Creations - Love your honesty!

    Boys are so different that girls. I have an 8yr old son and a 3yr old daughter. Totally night and day when it comes to clothes shopping.

    hugs =) melanieReplyCancel


  • Krystal - I still haven’t done it, but I hope one day to make a shadowbox of little special things from my first pregnancy (miscarried at 10 weeks, after years of infertility). Perhaps something like this will strike your fancy.



  • dana - Jess,
    thanks again for blogging about this. Your blog has brought a ton of traffic over in the past two days πŸ™‚ReplyCancel


  • It's just Mommer - I have been blessed with both a son and a daughter. It is harder to find cute boy clothes that Daddy’s like too. Dinosaurs, Star Wars, and video games, that what little and big boys are made of. You can buy the clothes, bring them home, but you can’t always make them wear them. Levi will have his say. Have fun!ReplyCancel


  • Anonymous - I saw the post from Bri!!! and I thought back to this:

    This precious baby lost his daddy in a car accident 8 months before he was born. I love how his mama’s friend took his daddy’s ties and made them into onesies and a blanket for him. Just a sweet idea I thought I’d share.

    Levi is a doll!ReplyCancel


  • Kim - Boys are great too! My son is 13 now and although I don’t get the same amount of hugs and kisses from him as I did in his younger years, I do enjoy him more each year. So enjoy your precious Levi while he is little and playing with his trucks. It is great to watch sons play sports and develop strong manly bonds with their dads. But a boy needs his Mom also and you will see that we can have special bonds with our boys too! Boys love their Mamas!ReplyCancel


  • Diana - Ah, boys. *sigh*

    I was the only girl in a neighborhood of boys until I was 16. I learned to fix cars, play basketball, and be the best tomboy I could just to keep up and better them.

    Then I got married and had two boys myself… and most of their growing-up years I was a divorced mom. I sewed a lot of their clothing, except for the jeans… until they entered middle school and sewn clothes were just not “cool.”

    I was blessed to have many of my sons’ friends over at our house constantly during those years of their growing-up. Some were Scouts, some were church buddies, others neighbors or school chums. Many called me “Mom.”

    I didn’t know what to do with girls until I had granddaughters. I’m blessed to have two frilly girly giggly granddaughters whom I LOVE to pieces.

    But I wouldn’t trade all the boy years for anything!

    You will LOVE the boy stuff, I just know it!



  • Karina - Boys are different from girls, right from the start. I had two boys before I had our little girl (any questions? I’d be happy to try and answer them!). I was starved for pink by the time Anna came along. I know what you mean about keeping some of it out for yourself; apart from the cat, it was three boys and me. (Why do boys’ clothes have transportation, tools, dogs, and dinosaurs on them??)

    I also think your goal to invest in the living is SO HEALTHY. You will always miss Cora, but Levi is with you now. It canNOT be easy, but I think you are absolutely right to focus on that. Your forward-thinking is very inspirational.ReplyCancel


  • Ceri - I just finished reading all of the comments. I am a momma of a 2 year old boy. When I first found out I was pregnant I was SO SO sure he was a girl. We bought girl clothes etc. Then the ultra sound and she said BOY. I was like BOY?? What? I have 3 sisters, 2 of my sisters had girls my cousins were girls there is littlerly all girls in my family but for 2. My son is the 3rd and the 1st in 10 years. I was like WHAT am I going to do with a BOY?? My husband wanted a daughter. I was upset about the lack of clothes, shoes etc. I HATE how they have so much girl stuff, and the shoes. 2 to 3 Ilse of shoes for girls and only 1/4th of a section for boys at target. GRRR I still am annoyed by it. BUT I LOVE MY SON. I can not even imagine it any other way. He is such the boy, loves his trucks, train, balls cars, drums, and boots and his cape. Make capes they are fun. Super hero clothes, they is cute stuff out there. I love the fun tees with all the sayings I think my fav was a tee from Gap. Ladies Man. πŸ™‚ I always thought my hubby had a weird bond with his mother. Well now I get it. I love my son SO much. Funny to hear all the diaper stories I have never had a problem. Cleaning him up is SO easy and he only peed on me once or twice. I do wish I had some pink in my life maybe some day I will but if I never do I am OK with that.ReplyCancel


  • Kathy - Big hugs. Once you get to know who he is you’ll never wonder about boys because you’ll just know Levi. πŸ™‚

    Boy’s clothes are pretty lame in the beginning though. As a mom of 3 boys, I love it now. {Sweaters, little ties, khakis, swoon!}

    Prayers for you as feelings, memories, joy and pain ebb and flow. May you be sustained in the midst.

    Levi is a doll. What a beautiful, beautiful babe. Congrats.ReplyCancel


  • Nan - I have four boys… and my house is living proof! Scuffs and chunks taken out of walls, legos EVERYWHERE, swords and battles are the norm… it is certainly a different world.

    It’s so hard to grasp what we are handed sometimes but “godliness with contentment is great gain.” You will see that daily in your own life as you take hold of what God has handed you.ReplyCancel


  • Amy - I’ve not yet had a girl, but your post echoed my feelings when we were told we were having a son. I dreamed of having little, silky-headed girls, and I admit I cried for days trying to wrap my mind around raising a boy. I had pictured making crafts together, fluffy Easter dresses, and little girls dancing around the house in sock-feet. Now that he’s nearly two, I’m in a much better place emotionally about our little guy (but the clothes still are NOT as cute as girls’ – though the outfits do get better when they’re not infants and can wear little hoodies, overalls, and such).

    As far as design ideas, check out the boy rooms here and Also, I am doing my son’s birthday in a woodland theme, with mod owl, squirrel, trees and earth tones. Seems like could be a great room theme too. All the best as you adjust to and then embrace your little boy!ReplyCancel


  • Michele - Boys are so easy! Enjoy your little man, because boys love their mommy’s so much! Not that girls don’t, but my son is my protector and is so kind and loving. It is tough shopping. What I have found is you must buy something cute immediately, if not….you won’t get it! I used to smock for my son, and then made appliqued t-shirts with matching shorts when he was a toddler. You will figure it out! Enjoy!ReplyCancel


  • Andrea - Thank you for continuing to share your heart.
    I have one girl and three boys – two big things I noticed that boys seem hardwired for: knowing where there “tackle” is and making sure they hold onto it…even at 7 months old AND making weapons out of anything on hand despite trying to limit as much as possible exposure to depictions of said weaponry and its usage. Sigh!ReplyCancel


  • Jenifer's Journey - Man I lose internet for a month and a half and missed so much…Preying for yall Healing and the new journey with a little Mr.LeviReplyCancel


  • GAMZu - I had a problem finding nice boy clothes for my sons in the beginning. I didn’t have internet, and we don’t have a car, so I was stuck buying local. We only have The Children’s Place near us. The rest of the stores are overpriced private little boutiques and one or two stores that sell cheap and low quality kids’ clothes. So I mostly shopped in the Children’s Place. Obviously, my options were limited.
    I refused to buy camo or graphic t-shirts with busy screen-printed designs made to look like they are faded and chipped. So I mostly bought button down shirts… plaid, solid, stripes… tees, polos, argyle and rugby sweaters.

    I got the internet shortly before my 2nd son was born, and didn’t discover online clothes shopping till even later. Besides, he had many of his bro’s clothes.

    Well, now I have a girl, and I find myself buying, amongst throngs of girly things, boy clothes! Because there are really cute ones out there. And the ones that are way too boyish, I just drool after.

    You can do musical instrument themes (sax, drums, flute, maracas…), dinos as someone has mentioned, animals that don’t usually make it onto kids’ clothes (such as octopus, hippo, ostrich, panda, cow), bike and trike, different vehicles… not just cars, but tow trucks, helicopters, huge trucks that carry many cars, ships, biplanes are cute!

    Seriously, I feel like I was very deprived during my sons’ babyhood by not having access to all these cute clothes. I definitely will do much better if I have a boy in the future! And for you it’s easier, since you make your own things. The tree tees I saw in your shop were the sweetest. I would have gotten them had they been available in big boy sizes!ReplyCancel


  • Sue - I really enjoyed this post, it was so honest. Boys are different to girls, but they are equally as special. I only have a son and, given the choice, I’d probably opt for another boy. They are heaps of fun and they’re so mischevious!! It’s amazing to see how their minds work. And don’t worry about the diaper stuff, you’ll get used to it!!

    Packing away Cora’s things must’ve been so tough for you, I can’t even begin to imagine it. My son & I have finally ventured into a new home of our own (it’s 5 1/2 years since my husband died and we’ve been living with my parents since). It was so difficult opening boxes that have been closed up with memories since that time. Cora will always be a part of who you are and I think that it’s very important for you to remember her and to honour her in any way you feel fitting.

    Thinking of you daily and sending you and Joel lots of love in this new chapter in your lives.

    Sue xReplyCancel


  • trish Preston - My sister died when I was 3 years old. She was 14. I’m now 38 years old, I still have a pair of her socks in my sock drawer. My Mom didn’t take the clothes out of her closet or take anything in her room down until we moved from that house we were in into a new one…close to 15 years later. I just find it to be a piece of her is always with me, still in the present. Seems silly but I would never get rid of those yellow knee high socks she wore to school. Never. Keeps the part of her that was alive here on earth.ReplyCancel
